Monday, September 1, 2008

What IS the Cathedral?

Imagine if you will the Notre Dame, or St. Paul's. The impressive majesty. The grandeur. The art and sculpture and paintings. Incredible beauty calling to the masses. Hear the softly whispered praises for centuries old artwork.

I like to think that's what the Princess was dreaming of when she painstakingly expressed herself with permanent marker on the wall. The one I had just painted one week before. I seriously disappointed her. Seriously.

So goes my life. Crayon on the walls, peanut butter fights all over the kitchen, newspaper sword battles in the rain...

It's a colorful, chaotic, LOUD life, but it's mine. And I wouldn't trade it for anything. There are things I'd have done differently, or at a different time, but this is MY life. My choices got me here.
This is my cathedral and sometimes I'm the one with the crayon, dreaming of da Vinci.

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