Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Labors

In honor of Labor Day, I thought I'd participate in the meme from Rocks In My Dryer and We Are THAT Family and write about what has been the most rewarding and longest lasting labor of my life.

How long were your labors?
#1: 23 hrs., 9 of which were alone
#2: 5 1/2 hrs. and crazy intense
#3: 9 hrs., and easy as labor can be
#4: 11 hrs. most bizarre story ever.

How did you know you were in labor?
#1: I didn't until the nurse told me. No, it didn't hurt that much.
#2: water broke and I couldn't breathe AT ALL through the pain.
#3: induced. Sort of.
#4: nearly induced. I think fear of Pitocin brought about fake contractions and the OB showed mercy.

Where did you deliver?
At the hospital.

uh, heck yes! Several kinds, and not all of them worked. Darnit.

No, but #2 almost was. Scary stuff!

Who delivered?
The ob/gyn on call for all of them. I never did time it right to get the doc I'd seen throughout the pregnancy. I feel a little envious of those of you who did! Seems only right the doc who'd gotten the easy, routine parts of this baby deal should get the messy, exhilirating finale, right?

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